Grisons - Switzerland 2022


  • Gavin Wood
    Parity Technologies, Polkadot
  • Meltem Demirors
    Founder & General Partner
    Crucible Capital
  • Stani Kulechov
    Founder & CEO
  • Teana Baker-Taylor
    Board Member
  • Jon Cunliffe
    Deputy Governor Financial Stability
    Bank of England
  • Doris Fiala
    Swiss National Council
  • Christian Angermayer
    Apeiron Investment Group
  • Aurora Schwarz
    Managing Director
  • Pascal Gauthier
  • Payal Shah
    Director, Equity Research and Product Development
  • Barney Mannerings
  • Johanna Thörnblad
    Country President Sweden
    HIVE Blockchain Technologies
  • Lasse Clausen
    Founding Partner
  • Eva Szalay
    Director of Media Relations
    Hokku PR
  • Zaki Manian
  • Justina Lee
  • Kyle Rojas
    Head of Business Development & Partnerships
    Edge & Node
  • Nadieh Bremer
    Data Visualization Artist
    Visual Cinnamon
  • Jon Najarian
    Market Rebellion
  • Diana Biggs
  • Guillaume Chatain
    Director of EMEA Institutional Sales
  • Olga Feldmeier
  • Patrick Lowry
    Cryptology Asset Group
  • Thomas Moser
    Alternate Member of the Governing Board
    Swiss National Bank
  • William Quigley
    CEO & Co-Founder
    The Worldwide Asset eXchange™ (WAX)
  • Jeff Horowitz
  • Michael Moro
    Genesis Global Trading
  • Sébastien Borget
    Co-Founder & COO
    The Sandbox
  • Dominic Williams
    Founder & Chief Scientist
    DFINITY Foundation
  • Mike Cagney
    Co-Founder & CEO
  • Dan Keyworth
    Director of Business Technology
    McLaren Racing
  • Jake Brukhman
    Founder & CEO
  • Philippe Bekhazi
    XBTO Group
  • David Olsson
    Global Head of Prime Financing and OTC Sales
  • Rudolf Budja
  • Charles Morris
    Senior Quantitative Trader
    Strix Leviathan
  • Jakob Palmstierna
  • Florent Moulin
    Director of Product
  • Andrew Kessler
    CTO and Co-Founder
    Zenotta AG
  • Mathias Imbach
    Co-Founder & Group CEO
    Sygnum Bank
  • Viktor Fischer
    Managing Partner
    Rockaway Blockchain Fund
  • Dave Perrill
    Compute North
  • Guido Buehler
    Giloca AG
  • David Johnston
    Open Source Contributor
  • Henson Orser
    President & Acting CEO
    Komainu Holdings Ltd.
  • Ray Hindi
  • Bill Tai
    ACTAI Global
  • Dan Reecer
    Wormhole Foundation


Wednesday, 12.01.2022

Macro-Perspective on the industry

    • 09:30 - 11:45

      Arrival & Check-in

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
    • 11:45 - 12:30


      Refresher about crypto basics and concepts
  • Session 1 - Introduction to the industry

    • 12:45 - 12:55

      CfC St. Moritz Welcome address

    • 12:55 - 13:00

      Welcome words mayor of St. Moritz

    • 13:00 - 13:25

      Annual state of the global crypto nation address

      Capital markets, mining, nation states and crypto - examining the past to predict our trajectory. What is the future global impact of the crypto industry?
    • 13:25 - 13:55

      Decentralised marketplaces - Participants as new market makers

      Blockchain has already created several massive new markets and trends. Hear the CEO's of Audius and Braintrust explain why decentralised marketplaces will be one of the next big things. Are they right that the future belongs to the participants or will value always have to flow to the market makers?
    • 13:55 - 14:15

      Understanding web3 - how and why It's Changing the World

      A renaissance is happening in real-time. People are reorganising society via the internet, they are decimating centralised power structures and decision-making via decentralisation, and people are allowing humans to live in a trustless environment where we do not need to be told the truth but can verify it ourselves. This revolution is called web3 and it is truly changing the world. What does web3 mean, why is it important, and how is it changing almost everything we know for the better?
    • 14:15 - 14:50

      Riding the crypto rollercoaster - the journey to ETFs and the institutional adoption of crypto

      12 years on, the first regulated crypto ETFs have been approved. What impact will these and further developments in custody and lending have on institutional/ retail adoption?
    • 14:50 - 15:25

      Take a break, get to know each other

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 2 - Regulation and CBDCs

    • 15:25 - 15:40


    • 15:40 - 16:15

      Backwards to the future - the battle between policy makers and the industry continues to rage

      The global connected crypto economy needs an effective cross-border regulatory framework. Are national regulators ever going to be able to adapt and create appropriate industry policies?
    • 16:15 - 16:50

      CBDCs, Stablecoins and Privacy - Impact for governments, society and the industry

      With many nations consulting and some starting to deploy CBDCs, they are quickly becoming a reality. Will CBDCs really be an economic enabler and should we reconcile giving up privacy for the benefits?
    • 16:50 - 17:00

      The importance of crypto and its correlation with cyber risks

      As a member of the Swiss parliament, president of the Swiss Cyber Security Days, and co-founder of the parliamentarian groups “Innovations in the financial market / Cryptocurrencies / Digital assets” and “Cyber”, Doris Fiala talks about the importance of those new technologies for swiss politics, as well as the cyber risks for the economy connected to these topics.
    • 17:00 - 17:30

      Take the last break of the day

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 3 - Challenges and opportunities of the industry

    • 17:30 - 17:55

      Securing the access to WEB3 for all

      The Web3 revolution is powered by crypto assets. While creating massive opportunities, this also comes with massive security challenges. How can access to DeFi, to NFT's and more be secured to both individuals and enterprises?
    • 17:55 - 18:25

      Challenges of liquidity providers enabling certainty for investors - demand and volatilty results in both opportunities and risks

      Liquidity provision requires standards and deepest understanding of the digital asset industry. What keeps the industry experts awake at night?
    • 18:25 - 19:00

      Brave new world - looking for authenticity and sustainability in crypto mining

      Crypto mining's biggest challenges. ESG, proof of stake or other developments?
  • Session 4 - Socialising

    • 19:00 - 19:45

      Welcome drinks @Suvretta House powered by GlobeAir

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
    • 19:45 - 20:15

      Transport to Badrutt's Palace Hotel

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
    • 20:15 - 23:30

      Networking Dinner @Badrutt's Palace Hotel powered by SEBA Bank

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly

Thursday, 13.01.2022

Micro-Perspective on the industry

    • 07:00 - 09:00

      Good morning Breakfast @Suvretta House

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 1 - Traditional finance and crypto

    • 09:00 - 09:25

      The transformation of everything

      Several trends are converging within crypto finance. Combined with the increased adoption of bitcoin and decentralised ecosystems, the world is fundamentally changing. What data and investments are driving the underlying trends of transformation?
    • 09:25 - 09:55

      The critical role and potential disruption of traditional finance - exploring the importance to society and the need to adapt to a new playing field

      Traditional finance and crypto are like oil and water. Will the crypto industry disrupt traditional finance or will tradfi embrace crypto and defi?
    • 09:55 - 10:20

      Getting to Know Gavin Wood: the Visionary behind Ethereum, Polkadot and Web 3.0

      Gavin Wood is the CTO and Co-Founder of two of the blockchain’s biggest successes: Ethereum and Polkadot. Every interview with Gavin is about technology and the future of the blockchain. The best investors in the blockchain don’t just invest in companies, they invest in the people building companies. The interview is about getting to know Gavin the person and what it is about Gavin that has led to his vision.
    • 10:20 - 10:55

      Take a break, grab a coffee

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 2 - Investing in the industry

    • 10:55 - 11:05

      Announcement: The first Crypto Valley company on Nasdaq

    • 11:05 - 11:40

      Insights from the experts - secrets to successful crypto investing strategies

      Moving from spontaneous strategies to a professional approach. What are the different trends, indicators and signals within crypto, and how can you identify category leaders?
    • 11:40 - 12:10


      Widening the crypto market and the role of stablecoins and security tokens. How do we broaden the crypto economy using security tokens?
    • 12:10 - 12:45

      Systems & Crypto - managing risk in a market full of turbulence and structural risk

      Expanding and exciting investment opportunities are colliding with regulatory, trust and market forces. How can investors handle volatility, achieve predictability and protect their wealth?
    • 12:45 - 13:10

      A pioneer's fireside - hear from a leading mind trailblasing a path for prosperity and the future of society

      Sometimes the problems of the world need a radical approach - crypto being a good example. How will our pioneer tackle the challenges that we have yet to face?
  • Session 3 - Lunch

    • 13:10 - 14:50

      Awesome Lunch

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 4 - NFTs

    • 14:50 - 15:15

      NFT 2.0 - The Evolution of Digital Assets from Gaming to Commerce and the Open Metaverse

      The NFT revolution is here, we’re already experiencing NFT era 1.0 and 2.0. Together we will explore how consumers will experience NFTs in the next 2 - 5 years by looking at the origins of the NFT industry. From its roots in the 90’s video game secondary market to the adventent of blockchain, and now the flourishing of NFTs in the Metaverse, what new experiences will we discover in the near future?
    • 15:15 - 15:45

      NFTs: Connecting Communities, Connecting the World

      This discussion will explore the role of art and NFTs in driving global investments, particularly in emerging markets. A panel with expertise from investment to product to data science and art will share the first UN and multi-government collaboration in the NFT space. How can new communities, build around NFT creation and ownership, unlock massive potential for digital infrastructure investments, and digital public goods?
    • 15:45 - 16:15

      Play to earn - how connected societies can drive prosperity and investment opportunities through play to earn and gaming

      Gaming as an investment opportunity. How can play to earn be valuable to investors and have a profound societal impact?
    • 16:15 - 16:45

      Imagining the Metaverse and NFT powered economies - What to expect from a new paradigm shift online with real ownership and decentralised organisations

      NFTs have created certainty of digital ownership in markets where it was previously uncertain. Is their decentralised character going to create stability and a catalyst for serious economic transformation or is it just another bubble?
    • 16:45 - 17:10

      Last coffee break of the day

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 5 - DeFi

    • 17:10 - 17:35

      Why DeFi needs to stay true to its cypherpunk roots

      To understand the future of DeFi, we must first understand its origins; crypto originated with cypherpunks, those who believed that open-source software and strong cryptography could be used to ensure electronic privacy and usher in a new era of socioeconomic liberty. The remarkable growth of unstoppable money and decentralised smart contracts has brought a new wave of innovation known as DeFi, but the cypherpunk ideologies core to this technology are being challenged by the traditional financial system and its gatekeepers. Will the forces that stand in opposition to a decentralised, censorship-resistant financial system be doomed to fail, similarly to those who opposed the internet before it?
    • 17:35 - 18:10

      The Regulators' (Unjustified) fear of decentralised finance - discussion on how to de-demonise the industry

      First they ignore you, then they challenge you and then they embrace you. Is DeFi catalysing the transformation of TradFi regulations?
    • 18:10 - 18:40

      The scale of the DeFi market - exploring opportunities for professional investors in lending, staking and other instruments

      Approximatley 250 USD Billion could be locked up in DeFi by January 2022. What is the role of this asset class within institutional portfolio mix?
    • 18:40 - 19:15

      The future of the DeFi economy - an outlook on how DeFi can become mainstream

      DeFi has the power to become a mainstream tool for empowering financial independence. What will it take to get there?
  • Session 6 - Socialising

    • 19:15 - 20:45

      Get ready for the evening - Lounge Drinks @Suvretta House powered by Sygnum and Messari

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
    • 19:15 - 20:45

      UNICEF auction @Segantini Museum (Registration will be available via the CfC St. Moritz mobile app from January 12th, 2022)

    • 20:45 - 21:00

      Transport to Badrutt's Palace Hotel

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
    • 21:00 - 21:45

      Kitchen Extravaganza Apéro @Chesa Veglia powered by XBTO Group and Tezos Foundation

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
    • 21:45 - 00:00

      Kitchen Extravaganza @Chesa Veglia powered by Gala Games and Sommelier Finance

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly

Friday, 14.01.2022

Workshops & Roundtables

    • 07:45 - 09:45

      Recovery Breakfast @Suvretta House

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 1 - Workshops & Roundtables

    • 09:45 - 10:45

      ROUNDTABLE: The Symbiotic Relationship of Renewable Power and Bitcoin Mining

      In a modern world where technology connects us at a global level, we have seen innovation in blockchain growing at an exponential pace. As investment in digital assets becomes more mainstream, there is an increasing spotlight on bitcoin's energy usage and its impact on society. Questions include bitcoin mining’s effect on the local power grid, reliance on fossil fuels, or the potential of converting local waste into global value in a new era of renewable power generation. Join this roundtable for a brief presentation and an open discussion on why energy companies, and in particular renewable energy producers, are turning to bitcoin mining operators to help optimise their power assets, fund the development of new renewable energy projects, and improve the stability of the grid.
    • 09:45 - 10:45

      Workshop: A Composable Interchain: An introduction to Polkadot multichain composability with examples

      Introduction to multichain composability: 1. What is the multichain / 2. What is multichain fungibility / 3. What is multichain comoposability / 4. Examples of multichain composability / 5. What are the consequences of these new features and the impact on regulation.
    • 09:45 - 10:45

      WORKSHOP: Stablecoin Economics & Mobile Payments

      The workshop focuses on economics and risks of different classes of stablecoins, introduces a new stability mechanism for algorithmic stablecoins and shows how this can support mobile payments.
    • 09:45 - 10:45

      WORKSHOP: The evolution of digital asset custody solutions

      Digital Asset Custody solutions have evolved significantly over the past decade and are starting to play an ever-increasing role in acting as gatekeepers for digital asset market exposure. This workshop will review the evolution of digital asset custody solutions to date, discuss recent regulatory and technological developments, and explore the role digital asset custody solutions will play over the coming decade for retail and institutional market participants.
    • 10:45 - 11:05

      Take a break, grab a coffee

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 2 - Workshops & Roundtables

    • 11:05 - 12:05

      Roundtable: Crypto Policy-making Roundtable for business, society and governments

      An opportunity for a discussion with leading policymakers in crypto and digital assets.
    • 11:05 - 12:05

      Workshop: Applying traditional approaches to valuation to token value

      Often, cryptocurrencies claim to be a new asset class, and "currencies", which deflects the need to analyse their value using traditional financial thinking. However, if stable currencies eventually predominate in DeFi, then "digital gold" thinking might not hold for the native tokens of general-purpose blockchains. Here we present a way to think about the potential value of a general-purpose blockchain's native token, without claiming it is a currency, or digital gold.
    • 11:05 - 12:05

      WORKSHOP: Crypto adoption in EMEA – has the sleeping giant awakened?

      Global crypto adoption is at a tipping point – and EMEA markets are driving the next wave. Join this interactive workshop to learn more about the drivers of digital asset growth and how to seize the opportunity set.
    • 11:05 - 12:05

      Workshop: To DAO, or not to DAO - Considering Decentralised Autonomous Organisations from an investment perspective in 2022 and beyond

      An exploration of the role of the DAO in the current investment landscape. What are the practical considerations that investors should consider before engaging in DAOs? How might DAO’s influence investment practices, fund management, capital distribution in the immediate future as they become increasingly common?
    • 12:05 - 12:25

      Last coffee break of the conference

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 3 - Workshops & Roundtables

    • 12:25 - 13:25


      Just because ‘high yield’ in traditional finance (TradFi) isn’t what it used to be, that doesn’t necessarily mean higher risks for higher rewards when investing in decentralised finance (DeFi). Join us for a discussion of the risk spectrum when investing in crypto, and with negative real returns from traditional ‘high yield’ fixed income, learn about market neutral strategies to generate higher yield in DeFi.
    • 12:25 - 13:25

      Workshop: Leveling up - Understanding the Market for Decentralized Derivatives (Hosted by Barney Mannerings & David Siska)

      The arrival of derivatives in DeFi will be one of the most important developments in crypto, in line with the significance of smart contract platforms, tokens, and spot dexes. In this workshop, we will discuss the state of decentralized derivatives, how to understand the features of derivatives protocols, and share frameworks for evaluating this new category of crypto assets.
    • 12:25 - 13:25

      Workshop: Where is the Alpha?

      Investment implementation in crypto is key and leads to diverging outcomes with, in certain cases room for substantial alpha.
  • Session 4 - Closing of the conference

  • Session 5 - Lunch

    • 13:35 - 15:45


      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly
  • Session 6 - Socialising

    • 17:15 - 00:00

      Night-Skiing and Fondue @Corvatsch (Limited Access - First come, first serve)

      Speaker(s) will be announced shortly

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