Richard Schäli

Richard Schäli

CEO & Founder, Richifinancial Trading Group

• First share purchase at the age of 7 (2013)
• At 8 yrs (2014) sale of Zurich Insurance shares with a profit of 20%. I start to show interest and get information.
• At the age of 10 (2016) I took part in a competition where I had been trading for 1 year. When I was 11, I claimed the first place of 2.7 million participants with several 1000% virtual profit .
• With 11 yrs (2017) I continue to trade, even if not too actively, and in order to earn a little money, I launched a magazine called Handelsblatt afterwards renamed to Wochenblatt for my family.
• I initiated a private mutual fund (Wochenblatt Fonds then renamed to Richifinancial Trading Fund) for the readers consisting of my family.
• After a clear out-performance I decide to put the fund on the stock exchange in the form of a certificate in order to manage more money for organizational reasons.
• The fund is now listed on the stock exchange in Switzerland and Germany. From interviews