Marcus Caduff

Marcus Caduff

Government Council

Marcus Caduff has been Director of the Department for Economic and Social Affairs of the Canton Grisons since January 1, 2019, and thus member of cantonal government responsible for the economic, touristic and social politics of the canton. Agricultural policy and spatial development planning also fall within his area of responsibility. Before his election to the government of the canton, he was a member of the CVP fraction (and president from 2010 until 2018), in the Grisons cantonal parliament (Grossen Rat). Marcus Caduff has a wide range of professional experience in the private sector. He was CEO of the regional hospital Surselva AG for two years and before this, Head of Corporate Development in the cantonal hospital Kantonsspital Graubünden. During his time as Vice President International Business Development of the Flughafen Zürich AG he was responsible for corporate development in Europe and the Middle East. Marcus Caduff is a qualified agronomist (Dipl. Ing. Agr. ETH), with a postgraduate diploma in management, technology and economics from the Swiss Federal Technical University ETH Zurich (ETH MAS MTEC). He is married and has two daughters. He prefers to spend his leisure time in the mountains biking or in the snow.